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Address Verification Services Delhi NCRAddress Check

Address Verification Services is also known as AVS. This service is mainly used to verify the address of the customers, employees; businesses, etc. to make sure that the address was given by the companies, individuals, etc. are true. There are plenty of reasons for companies to use this service to make a strong relationship with the customers.

If you have the right contact and address details of the customers, it’s easier for you to advertise your products and services to the right audience. There are several benefits of having the correct contact and address data of your customers. Especially, when you are running a business and possessing with a large number of employees. Address verification or address check services ensures that the address given by the employees joining your organization are true.

Why it is important?

Address verification of your employees is very important and has several benefits; especially when you are running a business. Address verification ensures that the employees working in or joining your company are living at the same address and that address is genuine. Let’s say an employee has done some fraudulent activities in your organization and ran off, then how will you track that employee.

This is why hiring employees with verified addresses will trim the risk of fraudulent activities in your organization. Even if someone did some fraudulent activities, then you will be able to track and recall that employee through address. Also, it will simplify several of your business activities such as, running advertisement campaigns, sending notices, delivering shipments, sending invoices, etc. So, this is why the service is beneficial for you in many ways.

Benefits of Address Verification

  • Having the verified and quality address data
  • Lower the risk of fraudulent activities
  • Reducing the marketing efforts
  • Making marketing campaigns easier and simpler to setup
  • Gives the genuine residential address of your employees

These are some great benefits of address verification that will beneficial for you in many ways.

Why Verification Street?

Verification Street is a very prominent name in background verification, employment verification, and similar services. Our team of talented young experts has great knowledge of many services related to the industry. Their strong connections with the various departments will make it easier for us to fulfill your requirements quickly.

We are working with several great MNCs and providing them many of our services according to their requirements. We have helped many of our clients by tracking and informing them about fake documents, addresses, and fraudulent activities. One of our clients was hiring employees and the candidates they have finalized have really great CV and experience.

We have checked his background and perform several verification checks to find whether the information provided by the candidate is correct or not. We found that the address he provided is not genuine; he was living on rent and told the employer that the address is his own home and his family is also living there. In our checks, we have seen that the landlord of the home has given him the space to live on a monthly rental.

We suddenly notified about the employer with our verification reports and this is how we helped our client revoking the joining of fraudulent people. Without the verification of address, it is impossible to track such misleading information provided by the candidates. So, it’s always good to verify the address of all your new and existing employees to keep the company safe.

Benefits of Verification Street

Our team of highly qualified experts is capable to get the verification of your employees done in lesser time than others. There are several benefits you get working with us and here are all benefits:

  • Best quality report with great customer satisfaction
  • High accuracy and faster delivery to meet the deadline
  • Affordable and customized budgets for various requirements
  • A talented team of experts providing quality results and on-time delivery
  • Great customer support with guaranteed solutions at the lowest possible time
  • Lowering the risk of fraudulent activities
  • High-performance address verification

We are one of the fastest-growing background verification companies in India growing at a great pace. Our services include employment background verification, education verification, address verification, and a lot of more.

Feel free to browse our website today to see our services and solutions and feel free to give us a ring at +91- 9818154431 to let us know your requirements. We would be happy to assist you further with the best possible solutions for your queries at the earliest. You can drop us a line at cases@verificationstreet.com to request a callback or take the discussion further.


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